Where The Puck Is Going

Two steps ahead

Sometimes you just get handed Iraqi soldiers…

Sometimes you just get handed Iraqi soldiers

Jocko Willink has reminded us…life just hands you shit sometimes.

So many of us are waiting until there is a team of all stars around until you get going.


True leaders make people around them better.

What are you going to do to get around the BS in your life?

Smart Money Index Looks Like It Did Before Dotcom & Subprime Crashes

We have seen the Smart Money Flow Index like this before. What is it telling us?

It’s kind of like history repeating itself. Over and over and over….

It might be trying to tell us something. 😝😝😝

Dow Down & People Being Booted From The Internet?

Does the market going down a few percent mean anything to you as a home owner, citizen, investor?

Where is the market headed?

Why are people leaving the Internet?

Today we explore what is going on in the markets and how it might impact all of us.

Hedging yourself: make money in turbulent times…

The greatest thing we have is hope…even if you don’t achieve something or you don’t have a great chance of achieving it, hope is what drives us all forward as human beings.

Anyone who takes a look at that constantly ticking debt clock or looks at the problems we have as a country knows that there are rough waters ahead.

But, there are ways to profit while the market goes up or down. Here, I go over just a few things that can hedge your self in bad times. (Less than 1 min)

There are ways (if you are eager enough) to profit and gain during turbulence.

Don’t forget the FIVE G’s as a part of your family plan as well!!!







Facts Don’t Lie…


David Barton

Thomas Jefferson wasn’t a secularist, as he’s often portrayed, but an active supporter of religion who funded efforts by the federal government to spread Christianity.

“Separation of church and state” had a different meaning in his time.

And the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence was always “pro-Jesus, pro-Christian, pro-religion.”

That was the message historian and author David Barton brought to a fast-paced and wide-ranging interview with Gina Loudon on her show, “America Trends.”

Barton, author of “The Jefferson Lies,” unveiled surprising truths about the hidden history and common misconceptions surrounding the nation’s third president.

Barton, whom Loudon called the “foremost expert on Jefferson,” explained Jefferson was not the “deist” he is often portrayed as by secularist revisionists.

“Jefferson was definitely not a deist, not even close to it,” Barton said. “Part of the problem we have today is that our definition of deist is not even close to what it was in that day. The definition of deist today, the synonyms in the dictionary, say akin to atheist, agnostic. Nowhere close to that. Jefferson said very clearly late in life he could never be an atheist.”

Barton argued Jefferson did not believe in the “clockmaker god” who simply wound up the universe and didn’t intervene in human affairs. At the same time, Barton explained, Jefferson was not a follower of conventional orthodox Christian belief, especially late in his life.

Yet despite these doctrinal departures, Barton claimed “there never was a time when he was not pro-Jesus, pro-Christian or pro-religion.”

Jefferson questioned whether certain Scriptures were inspired and even the divine nature of Christ. However, Barton explained Jefferson never was a secularist and promoted organized religion in the new republic.

“It is interesting that through 1876 the largest church in the United States was the one that met inside the U.S. Capitol, something that Jefferson helped start,” Barton said. “He attended that church for eight years as president, he attended before that as vice president. He helped get it started as secretary of state under George Washington. So throughout his public career he was very public about helping religion.”

Barton told Loudon that Jefferson’s involvement with religion wasn’t limited to simply attending services in the Capitol.

“As president, he took federal funds to fund missionaries to Indian groups,” Jefferson said. “He helped fund Christian schools. He helped fund a lot of things, including Christian churches in the United States seat of government, Washington, D.C., not only in the Capitol but in the Treasury Building and the War Department. Nothing about Jefferson says secularist in any way, shape or form, although some of his doctrines from a Christian standpoint would be fairly heterodox.”

Loudon noted that Jefferson’s belief in the “separation of church and state” is sometimes used against any attempt to honor religion in the public square. Barton said the secularist understanding of “separation of church and state” was different than the modern conception.

“Separation of church and state is a really good thing if you define it right,” Barton said. “The way Jefferson defined it is exactly right. Where you have a state-established church, you do not have freedom of conscience; you do not have religious toleration. You have religious coercion.”

The Founding Fathers, Barton explained, were deeply affected by the British experience with a state church.

“We came out of a system with Great Britain where they had a state established church, and if you were on the outside of that looking in you’ve got serious problems,” Barton said. “You’re facing jail time, sometimes penalties. America was populated by people who had been nailed because they weren’t part of the state-established church.”

Thus, Barton told Loudon, Jefferson’s advocacy of the “separation of church and state” wasn’t about banishing religion from the public square but making sure the federal government did not establish a church.

Barton said Jefferson saw firsthand how Christians who did not belong to the Anglican state church in his native Virginia suffered legal penalties. For that reason, Barton argued, Jefferson wanted to make sure nothing similar was created in the new republic.

“When he called for separation of church and state, it was the denominational separation,” said Barton. “He wanted free exercise of religion. You choose your denomination, if at all, but the government can’t tell you what denomination to be a part of.”

The phrase “separation of church and state” was used by Jefferson in a famous letterto a Baptist congregation in Connecticut. Barton told Loudon this was an assurance by Jefferson to the Baptists that there would be no national established church, thus giving the Baptists religious freedom.

But as Barton observed, “That’s not what it means today.”

The historian argued that expressions of religious belief should be permitted in the public square, and he bemoaned secularist efforts to remove recognition of religion on currency and in courtrooms.

“Why is religious speech not free speech?” asked Barton. “We allow all sorts of free speech on state property. Why is it no longer free speech if it’s religious speech?”

According to the original intent of the Constitution, Barton argued, expressions such as “In God We Trust” on coins are permissible because no official denomination or state church is being established.

Barton also dismissed secularist claims of creeping theocracy.

“That means they don’t know what the word theocratic means, because as long as you have free elections, you cannot be theocratic,” Barton said. “Theocratic means you are ruled by an elite that hears from God and acts on behalf of the people.

“We’re big into people choosing their own leaders. If they choose leaders of faith and follow the Constitution, there’s no chance of them being theocrats. So what [secularists] do is they use these pejoratives, these ad hominems to accuse us of theocracy. I, for one, never am and never will be, because I’ll always be for the people choosing their leaders as designed by the Constitution. Which is inherently opposed to theocracy.”

However, Barton acknowledged theocracy is a real threat to the world. And he told Loudon the threat is coming from a source many leftists don’t want to confront – the religion of Islam.

“If you look at Iran, it certainly is [a theocracy],” said Barton. “If you look at where the Muslim Brotherhood has had great influence, it certainly is. And that has been a problem.”

But Barton said that as unlikely as it seems, it’s Thomas Jefferson himself who can serve as a model for how to respond to the challenge of radical Islam.

“It was Jefferson who fought the first war on terror,” said Barton. “Jefferson never believed [Islam] was a religion of peace. He did not believe we should fight terrorism by drawing back from it but by confronting it. Exactly the opposite of what we do today.”

Give and You Shall Receive

What a great little article on giving. This is something that I have tried focusing on this year. Something that all of us I am sure, could be better at. What is the real purpose of life? Giving back to those who have helped and guided you? Hoarding everything you can get your hands on?

The hardest thing to do is think about giving back 10% to charity. 10%? Wow, that seems like a big number. But, there are always those who are less fortunate than you that could use a helping hand. Start with 1% or 5%. Maybe just start with giving your time. Time is the most precious commodity.

Start by doing something. Show your gratitude and appreciation.

In 2016, make it a goal to save away money for tithing in a separate account. Then when it comes time to give, you have already prepared for it.

Check out the article linked below!

Giving Back

Silver Price Forecast: Silver Set To Start 70s Style Rally?

Source: Silver Price Forecast: Silver Set To Start 70s Style Rally?

‘The Legacy Group’ @ Berkshire Hathaway Home Services July 2015 Newsletter

Hello once again!

Lots of time has passed but I feel refreshed and renewed. A lot has taken place in the last number of months. I cannot wait to catch you up and talk to you about the new business ventures I am in now and how things have changed!

I hope all of you have been well! Here is my real estate team’s July Newsletter. Please give it a look and tell me what you think!

July Newsletter

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Terrorists

Origins of Islamic Extremism

An amazing article about the origins of Islamic Extremism. This is simply awesome and NEEDED to understand where we are and the history of how this has been dealt with.

How did our Founding Fathers deal with this threat?

End Days Near? Or Will We Stand Up To Evil?

Dear Lord, what have we done? I don’t know anymore what to say about the news. It is all of my worst nightmares and warnings. The collapse of Libya, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, the Caliphate, Jews being targeted in Europe, the rise of fascism and the Nazi Party. Now the targeting of the west by the caliphate in the heart of Europe. All of this I spoke of. All of this could have been avoided if we weren’t so arrogant. Me included. If we would have all stopped playing politics. Me included. If I would have been a better messenger. I have made so many mistakes. Please forgive me. I beg of you to hear the warnings of what is yet to come. There is so much more yet to come. These are the birth pangs of things yet to come, these are the beginnings of sorrows. I cannot give you any solutions. I have no worldly answers. We must humble ourselves and turn our face to God. I spent a few minutes listening to Winston Churchhill speeches today. Most wanted to appease in late 1940 just as they do now. No one wanted to call Hitler evil. It is normal. No one wants war. No one wants slaughter. We all want to believe that if we all just talked we could find a path for all to journey together. Evil is hard to comprehend. But we must try and call it out by name. There are times when a civilized world must stand for what is right. Now is one of those times. Evil does exist. It has a name and it is ISIS and radical Islam. We face a times when more than our wants and needs are at stake, but the very future of civilized mankind. Our children and grandchildren will thank us or curse us based upon who we choose to be right now. We are fortunate to live at this time for we are given the opportunity that only comes times of great strife, struggle and sacrifice. We have a chance to find out who we really are. I know we are more than what we have allowed ourselves to become. We are more than what our politicians tell us we are. We are a great, kind and generous people. We are not conquerers. We are not a nation of warriors. We are a charitable and Godly people, that when called upon, we hesitate. We wait, debate and at first deny. But when push comes to shove we find something uniquely American calling us and stirring our souls into action. Will we choose to rise up and be greater men and women than we have allowed ourselves to become this time? Or will we continue to eat, drink and be merry? Will we continue to believe the lie we all want to be true? That this too shall pass! It isn’t any of our business! We can ignore the beheadings, spend our way out of debt, deny God and His most basic principles and continue to be blind to what our culture has become. We can continue down that path and everyday the price we must pay will only grow higher. These are extraordinary times. Extraordinary events are on the horizon and moving toward us with great rapidity. But the good news is: WE ARE EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE! Let us all choose to stand shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm ready to bear the burden and pay for our mistakes. Let us free ourselves from the shallowness of our commercialism, apathy, pessimism and petty divisions. Let us be willing to live and die to free our brothers and sisters of all nationalities and religions from the terror of the beasts that have grown in the shadows of ignorance and hate. Let us once again remember the teachings of Christ, Gandhi, and King, that the greatest weapon we can wield is Love. Let us find it once again in ourselves and then in one another as we prepare for the events of the coming days.

– Glenn Beck

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