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Archive for the category “Progressives and Liberals”

The Real Obama Documentary

Obama’s re-election campaign is coming out with a 17-minute documentary to highlight his achievements in his first term as President. While the documentary in and of itself should do enough to highlight the horrifically progressive policies he has passed, there is a real documentary that describes just what “Change We Can Believe In” and “Fundamental Transformation” really entails.

Fundamental Transformation Part 1

Fundamental Transformation Part 2

Fundamental Transformation Part 3

These three links will provide you with 30 minutes of scary truth and a few things about the 44th President you may never have pieced together in the past.

News You Need To Know

Attorney General, Eric Holder, plays the race card. Amidst the allegations of the “Fast and Furious” scandal and multiple lawsuits against specific states and not defending the law (Defense of Marriage Act), Eric Holder claims these are all bogus allegations and the reason this is all coming up is because certain people are out to get him because he is black. Are we not adults? This is the definition of childish. The fact that some people actually go along with this is mind-boggling. How can some one, or many people, come up to you and present you with all these facts and your response is “well you just don’t like me because of my race”. The only thing more troubling and ignorant than playing the race card to get yourself out of a jam –  which the Democrats have been playing for four decades – is conservatives and the media letting you get away with it. The only word I can think of to explain all of this is: disgraceful.

Glenn Beck takes apart Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ speech. Recently, Obama gave a speech in Kansas underlining his re-election strategy. He trashed capitalism and touted socialism as the path to prosperity and vowed to follow in the footsteps of his progressive heroes; Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. He said the free markets have never worked and we need to distance ourselves from the capitalist system and embrace the redistribution of wealth policies of socialism. It was a very uplifting and Presidential speech.

Media Pundits Meet with Obama at White House. I will cover this later in the week, but check out this quick post from Jake Tapper of ABC. Progressive media stars meet with Obama in the White House. Can anyone say Obama 2012 staff? Incredible. These are the people supposedly “watching out” for us.

Hugo Chavez calls Obama “Clown” and “Embarrassment”. Earlier this week Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, called out President Obama and told him to worry about the disaster he has created in the U.S. instead of worrying who Venezuela associates itself with. When you have a marxist dictator telling you off and calling you out, you know you aren’t doing something right. Somewhere in Los Angeles, Sean Penn is in a bind.

Progressive Profiles: Michael Moore

Periodically, I will put a spotlight on: liberal, progressive, marxist, anarchist, communist, or socialist activists and politicians who have agendas opposite of what our Founding Fathers envisioned. These people are threats to the American Dream and you must not let them fool you with their emotional smooth talk, documentaries, websites, or class warfare. These people play on your emotions and those that are uneducated.

Today the spotlight is on Michael Moore. This is a man who has benefitted greatly because of capitalism and will bash it at every opportunity. He has made countless documentaries bashing the exceptionalism of America.

Most recently he has been at the forefront of some of the hot topics fueling today’s political debates. Specifically, the “Occupy Wall Street” protests and the execution of Troy Davis in Georgia a few short weeks ago.

He supports the anti-capitalism protests around the country and the destruction of capitalism. He also is boycotting Georgia after they executed Troy Davis. A man who shot a passerby and killed an off-duty police officer in the parking lot of a fast food joint.

Moore is a mis-guided man whom I believe is in it to sell his brand and make money, ironically, through capitalism…

Troy Davis Execution

Moore Blog – Occupy Wall Street At Bottom 

Days Of Rage Videos 

What Is The Days Of Rage?

Elizabeth Warren: “The Rich Didn’t Get Rich On Their Own”

Elizabeth Warren is the special advisor for the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau running for senate against Scott Brown in Massachusetts in next year’s election. She was also the first chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, appointed by Harry Reid. She is the one who approved TARP, so you can see she has a good track record.

Here she is saying that nobody got rich on their own. She claims that rich people use the roads, school systems, and police that everyone pays for (oh wait except for half of the country who don’t pay income taxes). Elizabeth Warren

So my question to her is; “How the hell did anyone become rich before this country had roads, or a police force, or school systems?”

Socialists will come right out and let you know who they are. You just have to be adept and alert enough to peg them. Their arguments are petty; based on emotion, greed, and jealousy of people who work hard. It drags the country down by letting those with less believe that success comes from the government instead of their own hard work.

What does this teach a person? It’s like going to the store with your child and buying them every single thing they ask for. They never learn the incentive of hard work to achieve success. They expect success to be given to them.

For some reason – well I know how its become this way, but that’s for a different time – this country has developed this, entitlement disease. People expect that since we are a prosperous nation that every single person in the country deserves health care, a good job, benefits, a pay raise every couple of years, a good home, good food, etc.. Somebody please tell me where in the Constitution you are guaranteed those rights?

You are secured the right to life and liberty by our creator; other than that you are on your own – in other words, it is up to you to keep it. It is up to you to become skilled, educated, efficient, and prosperous. If you want to be lazy and a bum, then go ahead, its your choice. That’s the great thing about America; you have the freedom to choose.

The BEST evidence of this is our ancestors; they came over here for that opportunity and freedom. They left their homelands behind because of oppressive, handout, entitlement governments. This is why our country is the greatest on Earth and a beacon of hope for every person on this planet.

Ben Franklin was asked by someone right after the signing of the Constitution about what kind of government we were given. He replied, “…a Republic, if you can keep it.”

We have become those very people who our ancestors struggled and many risked their lives to escape. We are not keeping our end of the bargain.

News You Need To Know (9/19/11)

Here are a few news snippets from the last day or so that you need to know:

“Urination” Speech – From a Progressive rally; encouraging supporters to not pour beer on Republicans, but urine instead. And I thought that Tea Partiers were the violent, racist, hateful folk. Again, another hypocritical example from the left.

Ten Wealthiest States – A look at some of the wealthiest and poorest states in the Union.

California Bible Ban – California state government comes down on couple holding bible studys. When you hear politicians talk about “separation of church and state”, this is exactly what the Founding Fathers meant. Government is not supposed to be banning things like “Merry Christmas” or nativity scenes. Government cannot come in to your life and tell you what you can and cannot practice. On a side note, this story also brings to light the millions of stupid rules and regulations the governments create.

Buffet Rule? – Warren Buffet is the face of Obama’s new tax hikes plan from his new jobs bill. Buffet has talked about how he pays more taxes than his secretary which is an outright lie. Buffet is a smart man and he is comparing the capital gains tax rate – which he pays – which is around 15% to his secretaries income tax rate ,which is around 33% we’ll say. The numbers aren’t important in this story. The principle of it is; Buffet is comparing apples to oranges and deceiving the public. These are two different taxes that these men are talking about and they both know it, but will not tell you that. Their agendas are more important than the economic success of this country. One can only speculate as to what Warren Buffet and Barack Obama’s agendas are. He and Obama alike, know full well that what they are claiming is dishonest and the American people deserve the truth. The Democrats will play this class-warfare tactic until the sun explodes. The only two political tactics they have: class-warfare and manafacturing facts (ie. Fast and Furious Scandal).

Palestinian Statehood – Palestinian leader vows to keep up the fight; putting America in a bind.

Cobra Crash – Another crash sadly happened earlier today. Pray for the loved ones who have died over the last four days including this latest incident.

Days Of Rage

Very scary and real audio/video of domestic terrorists – Stephen Lerner(SEIU) and Wade Rathke(ACORN) – organizing unrest in our country; trying to de-stabilize companies and the free markets.

This has become a very real threat – inside our borders. It is something that everyone needs to educate themselves on.

Side Note: Both these men have made repeated trips to the Obama White House. Very scary that so many of these eerily similar characters have such close ties to the head of our nation.

Chilling “Days of Rage” Article

Krugman Rears His Ugly Head, Again

I wasnt going to write anything this weekend out of respect for all of those men and women who lost their life 10 years ago, today. But, I changed my mind as soon as I read a despicable piece of journalism by op-ed writer Paul Krugman in the New York Times this morning, right around the same time the WTC was struck by passenger planes.

Now, I feel that you should read his article, which is only a few paragraphs long, because it reperensts the real threat of extremism we face in our own country. I will not link it because I feel it isnt merited.

It is titled The Years of Shame and it is located in the New York Times.

People such as Krugman have a distorted view of America. They seriously believe that America is the problem and that she has brought all of her problems on to herself, such as 9/11. He is very much in the minority, but when you read him you get the feeling that he knows you are psycho and alone in your belief that America is the “Shining city on a hill”, as Reagan so aptly stated.

Nothing could make this more evident than the very end of his editorial. The last  paragraph states that he will not leave a comments section for “obvious reasons”.

What are these obvious reasons?

He believes that everyone knows this to be truth or is this his creepy way of honoring those lost on this tragic day?

Ill leave that for you to decide.

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