Where The Puck Is Going

Two steps ahead

Archive for the category “Scandals”

Can We Play Fantasy…Politics?

“Deflate-Gate.” Who has heard of it? I’m sure if your head is not buried in the sand you have heard of this by now.

That term alone has led me to ponder why our culture is so infatuated with a GAME. A game in which has NO bearing on life. I mean, if you told me, “Brandon, this is the Hunger Games and people are going to die.” Then maybe it would be something of value or concern. Speaking of that, kind of reminds me of “The Colosseum.” Funny thing, that was a remnant of an empire distracting its citizens to what it was doing through the medium of cheap entertainment. Sound familiar?

It is peculiar that an entire nation would be so apathetic as to let the freest and most amazing country in the course of human history fall by the way side. Or is it that shocking?

Humans are creatures of habit and it seems that one of those habits is to continually let other men rule over them. Instead of learning from its ancestor’s mistakes and having the gumption to be able to rule itself; we continue to fall in to the perpetual trap of tyrannical oppression.

Our culture fantasizes over how my quarterback did and how many points my running back earned me this weekend. We scrutinize the New England Patriots and whether they messed with FOOTBALLS and analyze it to no end. Where is the media and where are the people when it come to real scandals? Benghazi? Fast and Furious? Solyndra? NSA? IRS? Un-equal pay in White House? Etc.?

Can you imagine if people scrutinized and broke down our politicians week in and week out? Wow! We would have amazing accountability. I bet you our country would be light years ahead and we probably wouldn’t be nearing $20,000,000,000,000 in national debt.

Just saying.

Why don’t we play fantasy politics? Put money on it? Make it fun? It’s not like we don’t have money on it anyway, right? I mean by my math we all have somewhere in the neighborhood of $60,000 in the pot each. That’s just current debt from the government. Doesn’t include your annual personal debt/expenses.

Isn’t the point of the American experiment to see if man can rule himself? Or will he fall in to the habits that his ancestors routinely succumbed to and be overridden by cheap entertainment and “what feels good” at the moment?

If we played fantasy politics we could set up a scoring system…we could track it all and break it down week in and week out, just like football. Maybe that will keep people more engaged? Maybe it’s not enough just saying “hey, these taxes or this healthcare system or this law is going to drastically alter or affect the rest of your life”, maybe that just isn’t enough. So, we will implement a fantasy politics game in place of that. This way people can understand the importance politics, history, and law play in our lives and make it a little bit more fun and engaging. We all know it could use that.

This may sound like fun and games but seriously, if we analyzed the people who lead us and would like to; I think we would be a much more efficient and unified country. The point of the media and an informed electorate is to watch over the government and to make sure that they are staying the course of freedom and liberty.

Our founders knew what they were doing when they separated the branches of government. They purposely did this so things would NOT get done and branches checked one another. The problems we do have are SOLELY because of all the things that DID get done; the implementation of the income tax, the creation of the federal reserve, the Social Security system, Welfare, the department of education, Obamacare, and on and on.

The natural arc of government leads towards “getting things done” and passing laws. The more power you have the more laws you pass and the more laws you pass the more power you have. Do not be mistaken; the people who have power are the elites, the ones in control. Does not matter if you are Republican or Democrat or conservative or liberal. Just ask the millions of poor innocent souls who lived under dictatorships in the 20th century in Russia, China, etc.. There were just two classes: the rich/elite and the poor/peasant. There was no conservative and progressive. They all suffered equally. Just as we will all suffer equally.

Do not get fooled by people who say things need to get done. The government does not get things done, people get things done. The people make the government look good. Government does not make people or a country look good.

Now, I have not said that “no government” is good. I have talked about what makes our government great and that is the way we were founded, the laws that have been set up and put in place during our founding – the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Limited government with many restrictions on what it could do to its people. Not huge massive centralized government or no government at all. But, the government that is limited in its scope and does what it is supposed to do; protect us with the military and provide and manage roads. That is PRECISELY what made us great, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you don’t believe me, just ask the millions and millions of immigrants why they came here over the last couple hundred years. They will gladly tell you.

The point of this article is fun and games but also very serious. Anyway to make history and politics more interesting so more people will be informed and engaged will only help our nation. If you want true “PROGRESS” then getting people to pay attention and inform themselves is what we should be talking about. This is a uniting cause that stretches – as I mentioned earlier – across both sides. We both will suffer greatly and equally if we do not come together and band against those who seek and desire constant power. The greatest president we’ve ever had, George Washington, was forced to be the first president of the United States and served honorably for two terms and then resigned voluntarily back to his estate in Mount Vernon. He DID NOT seek power, we FORCED it on him. He was a servant leader and that is something our country is sorely missing.

Leaders eat last, they do not eat first.

All Can Agree On The Bill Of Rights

I assume most are sick of the partisan bickering politics is giving us these days. Congress’ approval ratings have been in the single digits for as long as you can remember. So, why do these people keep getting elected?

The one thing that WILL unite everyone is the Bill of Rights. Hands down. This is the one thing that all can agree on.

Whoever wishes to win the next Presidential election and every midterm election for that matter, MUST run on uniting principles.

There are many great candidates starting to pop up and we should be grateful for the “calling” people have heard in the last 4-6 years. I truly believe we will see this revival for decades to come.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are what gives all of the parties and ALL people the ability to fight and bicker and live their lives how they wish. Don’t you think that whoever embraces this simple truth would be a genius? You would think. Unfortunately, special interests, lobbyists, and career politicians are against this (for the most part). They make it EXTREMELY tough to even see the Founding documents as legitimate items anymore. D.C. doest not talk about the documents, the President doesn’t, and schools teach children the wrong definition of amendments and so forth. REWRITING OF OUR FOUNDING?

Who can be trusted? The one who unites and agrees that the Bill of Rights and Constitution are what will turn this country around.

Technology is making the world smaller and smaller and less private everyday. The ONLY way to put limits on what man can do to you is to embrace the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. They were created by men who studied philosophy, war, politics, and history for years. These documents are Divinely inspired and protect you from men. There is a reason that they are “rights” given to you by your Creator. ITS SO THEY CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY!

Every human on the planet, especially, every American wants and craves freedom. This is precisely why every American, or at least 80-90% can agree on this simple truth. The only people who don’t wish to see the Constitution last are those who have ideas of grandeur and power and the ability to control people. The citizenry just wishes to be left alone. They want government and men out of their lives and doesn’t want them “snooping” around in their private lives.

Republicans and Democrats may not agree on a lot of things but they can agree on few main platforms. If someone wants to get an abortion or buy a gun or not get health insurance or get married to the same sex they should be able to. Each state is its own entity and they decide their own laws. I don’t believe that some of those things are ok but that is up to God to judge them at the end of their lives. But, to have government come in and say that we should or shouldn’t be able to do those things is asinine. Thats exactly opposite of how we were founded and what made us great.

What made us great is that each state had the power and the Federal government was weak compared to the states. Now the Federal government had usurped all the power and we are now under one big tent of cronyism and corruption. It used to be if one state messed and up and failed then the other states looked and said “oh boy, that didn’t work well, we aren’t going to do that.” Now, the Federal government screws up and were all subject to the failure. This is again what made the Founding Fathers so smart. They designed the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to protect against this. It has taken over 200 years to break those laws down. But, we still have time. Those that believe in freedom and liberty still have time to save this great country if we act now.

We are in quite possibly the most interesting period in our nation’s history. It is up to those who wish to preserve freedom for their children who will make the difference. Act.

Two Different World Views

Two contrasting world views in these two individuals. One has an accountable attitude toward life and self. The other has no accountability to anything. You decide who is who! Enjoy!


Mike Rowe Touts Hard Work


Hillary Clinton Explaining Benghazi

The Death Of The Career Politician

Republican Senator Ted Cruz was a hit on the Jay Leno Show the other night with a few common sense observations that anyone with half a brain realizes.

Watch them here Ted Cruz

I am going to tackle an issue that I believe is way over due: term limits. We learned our lesson after FDR and added Presidential term limits. I think it’s about time we learn our lesson about Congress and term limit them!

Some pundits and talking heads will make the case for no term limits because “what if our side has a great politician in there?” Sorry, this always ends badly. The longer you stay in Washington and the longer you are away from “real life”, the more you stray from common sense.

This simply means that you have to run more decent human beings.

This will also benefit the country because more “good” people will want to run if they know the MOST they could even be in office is two terms, say.

On the flip side, it will discourage some “misguided” people who want to “get in” just to self-serve and save themselves and their family from all the destruction being driven by the political class. Just in case anyone didn’t know, the elites in Washington (President, Cabinet, Congress, Aides, etc.) don’t have to abide or follow many of the laws passed by THEMSELVES! Like the dreaded Obamacare just to name the most recent and pressing issue.

Who says that politicians are some special class of people? They do! Why are they exempt from laws they passed?

If the laws and regulations they pass are so amazing and will benefit the rest of us so much then why wouldn’t the Congress and the President want to abide by them? Hmmmmmmm……

Americans are sick and tired of the games being played in Washington. You are going to see many changes the rest of this decade. They will come in many shapes and sizes. One that must occur if we are to right the ship is congressional term limits.


Our Founders believed that service was just that, service. Not a place to grow comfortable and secure sweetheart deals and run the country in to the ground.

It is about time the people take back the country from the political elite before it is too late. There is a shrinking window of time where that is still possible.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and the like will lead this revolution that will galvanize many Democrats and Republicans, young and old, black and white. The simple reason being FREEDOM is something that both sides of the aisle can agree on. Enough said.

Thoughts and Prayers

First, I want to say that thoughts and prayers go to all involved and affected by the Navy Yard shooting today in Washington, D.C.. What a horrible tragedy and we hope all of those injured and grieving families are brought relief and peace.

My article today originally was going to be on people’s thoughts on Baltimore Ravens’ quarterback Joe Flacco missing his child’s birth yesterday for his team’s football game.

I for one was shocked. I come from a hockey background where men routinely miss games for the arrival of their children. I understand that football is 100x more popular, therefore much more of a business, but, come on.

My opinion is that no man within realistic time and warning should ever miss the birth of a child. What message does that send to the child? You weren’t as important as a football game was? In essence, yes, that is exactly what that says to the child, his other children, extended family, and now all who know about it.

This sets a terrible precedent and I believe this shows one of the many reasons we have lost our way in this society. It proves that we have many lessons we haven’t learned from history and civilizations before us that thought they knew better.

I just want the reader to sit and think about one thing: what is the ultimate purpose of life? Just take a minute to think about that.

Me, personally, I believe that the purpose of life is to get to Heaven. You work towards Heaven and help those whom you come in to contact with do the same – namely your wife/husband, then your surrounding family.

I think some might say that the purpose of life is to pro-create and develop the next generation. Another great answer which I believe to be true as well.

I don’t know anywhere in there that says, “watch, play, or think about football”. (Or add in your favorite sport, profession, or activity)

During the homily at mass yesterday, the priest talked about God being more important than food and water. That is a large concept to grasp but extremely important.

Whether you believe in God or not is not the point. The point is realizing there is something bigger out there than all of us. We aren’t here for ourselves. We are here to serve one another and grow bright and promising youth. Whether it is our spouse first, second our kids, then third our extended family and friends.

Why have our priorities gone by the waste-side? What has made us think that a profession or money is somehow more important than our own family?

Family is easy to take for granted, you always feel like they are going to be there for you. And, a lot of times they are no matter what. But, in the end, they are the only thing that you have. Friends come and go, but no one will ever love you like family does or have that special bond with you.

Not to mention this sets a bad precedent for men and women. Men continue to look bad and women are made to deal with life-altering events by themselves. If we were designed to work like this we would be asexual. That’s just science.

Oops, did I just mix religion and science? Yes, yes I did.

Be Prepared

Preparation is something of a dirty word in certain areas of life, and other areas it is highly applauded – culturally speaking.

If you are buying home insurance or life insurance people will not bat an eye at you. Heck, buying car insurance is mandatory and you are in big trouble if you are found not to have any.

Then you hear people talk about money insurance or food insurance…wait, no you don’t.

Why don’t you?

The people who do talk about these things are often labeled crazy or “preppers”.

First, lets take a look at those terms and what they mean.

Food Insurance: is either storing canned food/dried food and water.

Money Insurance: is converting your fiat currency in to things of value like commodities – gold, silver, rice, grain, sugar, oil, etc..

If insurance is something that our society seeks – Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, car insurance, home insurance, etc. then why are people who prepare to keep their money and stay alive shunned and labeled “crazy”?

To me, I believe it is something that the media and modern culture have rammed down our throats. They label people as “preppers” and extreme for actions that in the end will either directly save your life or protect and expand your wealth.

I believe we can find our answer in history as well. Government does what it can to seek power. They ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will. The people who generally seek those positions are people who want power and the government is a great way to take advantage of that. Fortunately, now, there are a lot of people who have sought office and will continue to seek office because of a calling to serve the people of this country and return it to the accountable and responsible government laid out in our founding documents.

Roosevelt did it, he sought power and won. Not by winning elections but by confiscating gold from the citizens. He brought the power to the federal government from the states possibly more than any other President in American history. He stole wealth and made people like it. The government increased its money creating capacity exponentially under Roosevelt, not to mention the social programs he constructed which we are feeling the effects of today like Social Security.

This is what government does effectively – steal your wealth and keep you dependent. I truly believe they ridicule gold and silver investors and food savers because they want you totally dependent on them. If everyone is prepared for disasters than who needs government? Government does not want that, that means less money coming in and fewer votes – less power.

That is why they always want to tax you more. Speaking of that, inflation is a constant tax. The government is stealing your wealth and many people do not even realize it.

America’s problem is our apathy and our memory. Most Americans don’t remember all the recessions our country has had nor do they believe any of these bad things we see happening all around the world can happen here. I hate to break it everyone but they CAN and they WILL if we continue to implement the same failing strategies.

This is exactly why it is imperative that people wake up and become prepared. We are on our way to $20 trillion in debt. Baby Boomers are just starting to retire and the programs they depend on for retirement are already on their way to bankruptcy, not good! The dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power since Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. The Federal Reserve is approving Quantitative Easing (printing money) every month for the foreseeable future. Our credit rating will come in to question again as to whether we can make good on our debts.

The list goes on and on. That list is not good. That list should tell you a few things; you need to get educated and you need to get prepared. Find out what government is doing with the money you give them. Then you need to take action. The dollar will collapse, most likely in this decade.

What will you do about your money? Do you really think that paper assets are the way to go right now?

What will you do if a natural disaster hits or an economic disaster?

These are important questions to ask yourself.

Having car insurance, home insurance, and Medicare aren’t going to matter when you know what hits the fan. Get prepared and educated and start your path toward independence.

Get the insurances that you will really need. You will sleep better now and then!

VERY IMPORTANT! – IRS’s Job To Violate Our Rights

Dr. Ron Paul – The IRS’s Job Is To Violate Our Liberties


MAY 20, 2013

“What do you expect when you target the President?” This is what an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agent allegedly said to the head of a conservative organization that was being audited after calling for the impeachment of then-President Clinton. Recent revelations that IRS agents gave “special scrutiny” to organizations opposed to the current administration’s policies suggest that many in the IRS still believe harassing the President’s opponents is part of their job.

As troubling as these recent reports are, it would be a grave mistake to think that IRS harassment of opponents of the incumbent President is a modern, or a partisan, phenomenon. As scholar Burton Folsom pointed out in his book New Deal or Raw Deal, IRS agents in the 1930s where essentially “hit squads” against opponents of the New Deal. It is well-known that the administrations of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson used the IRS to silence their critics. One of the articles of impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon dealt with his use of the IRS to harass his political enemies. Allegations of IRS abuses were common during the Clinton administration, and just this week some of the current administration’s defenders recalled that antiwar and progressive groups alleged harassment by the IRS during the Bush presidency.

The bipartisan tradition of using the IRS as a tool to harass political opponents suggests that the problem is deeper than just a few “rogue” IRS agents—or even corruption within one, two, three or many administrations. Instead, the problem lays in the extraordinary power the tax system grants the IRS.

The IRS routinely obtains information about how we earn a living, what investments we make, what we spend on ourselves and our families, and even what charitable and religious organizations we support. Starting next year, the IRS will be collecting personally identifiable health insurance information in order to ensure we are complying with Obamacare’s mandates.

The current tax laws even give the IRS power to marginalize any educational, political, or even religious organizations whose goals, beliefs, and values are not favored by the current regime by denying those organizations “tax-free” status. This is the root of the latest scandal involving the IRS.

Considering the type of power the IRS excises over the American people, and the propensity of those who hold power to violate liberty, it is surprising we do not hear about more cases of politically-motivated IRS harassment. As the first US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall said, “The power to tax is the power to destroy” — and who better to destroy than one’s political enemies?

The US flourished for over 120 years without an income tax, and our liberty and prosperity will only benefit from getting rid of the current tax system. The federal government will get along just fine without its immoral claim on the fruits of our labor, particularly if the elimination of federal income taxes are accompanied by serious reduction in all areas of spending, starting with the military spending beloved by so many who claim to be opponents of high taxes and big government.

While it is important for Congress to investigate the most recent scandal and ensure all involved are held accountable, we cannot pretend that the problem is a few bad actors. The very purpose of the IRS is to transfer wealth from one group to another while violating our liberties in the process, thus the only way Congress can protect our freedoms is to repeal the income tax and shutter the doors of the IRS once and for all.

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.


You Get What You Vote For

I feel like “Mugatu” from the movie Zoolander, “I feel like I am taking crazy pills!”

Governments are printing money at record rates all across the globe, riots and hunger all over, bank accounts being ransacked (Cyprus) and we are told nothing is amiss by D.C. and our media. Our media – “the watchdogs” – are more silent than…well, itself, covering the “baby-killer” Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s murder trial.

I hope for some of you this chaos is eye-opening.

We haven’t had this many people out of work in decades and we are supposed to believe this is a recovery?

On one hand it is tough because as humans we want to believe that everyone is good; that our government wouldn’t lie to us, that our media will watch out for us, and that we can talk a terrorist right out of his suicide vest.

The harsh reality is that is NOT real life and NEVER will be.

Doing your homework and your due diligence on your own life and the choices you make is the only way things come close to being as “fair” and “just” as possible. Governments cant mandate “fairness” or “social justice”. You can’t just silence groups of people because you don’t like their beliefs, ask the Germans.

Not one thing is guaranteed in this life. The only things that come close to guarantees are “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. No matter who tells you you have a “right” to a great job and healthcare and a decent house is flat out lying to you. You don’t automatically deserve that because you walk this earth, you EARN it.

You are guaranteed the right to live (Life) and the right to not be held without a fair trial in a court of your peers (Liberty) and you have a right to the money you earn and the property/possessions you own (Pursuit of Happiness).

At least in America this is how it works and this is what we try to spread to other countries. This is what makes the United States exceptional.

Your institutions are lying to you. It is plain as day and the writing is on the wall. For more proof, we saw it on display again today in the testimony on the terrorist attacks on our consulate in Libya. We had multiple State Department officials testify to the falsities propagated by our President and Secretary of State on the issue.

Governments always act this way and they always will. It is up to the citizenry to either get informed and change that or stay ignorant and go down with the ship.

Printing Like Mad!

Political Correctness Is Destroying America

The recent Rush Limbaugh backlash over his characterization of Georgetown co-ed, Sandra Fluke, has been severe and it has been relentless. Though his apology was necessary – because as he said, “you cannot stoop down to the left’s level and in this case I did just that” – his comments were none the less, true: PAY+SEX=PROSTITUTION.

This whole stir, created by the left, has worked perfectly. They have advertisers pulling sponsorships and people in a fit of rage about a comment a talk radio show host used in describing a woman’s implied actions. The left has successfully diverted attention about the horrendous economy Obama has incurred, the out of control deficit spending, the war or religious freedoms, or the courageous and loving stories of the folks in the Midwest who have banded together – regardless of ideology and beliefs – to help their neighbors and loved ones ravaged by the deadly tornadoes late last week (with no government help in site might I add. A FEMA assessment team is expected to arrive in one of the hardest hit cities, Henryville, Indiana tomorrow after nearly four days. FOUR DAYS LATER!!).

This is really a shining example of the people banding together in local communities, churches, family, and friends instead of sitting back and waiting for government to come help. This illustrates how the left wants America to run, dependent on government; tragedy strikes and help comes days or weeks later when the government decides it can. Whereas the conservatives – and I believe most Americans feel like the people in the Midwest do right now – feel we can get off our butts and drive to neighboring cities and help our brothers and sisters with whatever they may need. No government help needed here! President Grover Cleveland may have been the best in this regard stating, “…the people support the government but the government should not support the people”. This was in regard to an epic drought in Texas because he knew that if he started this it would foster dependency.

We have a new and updated manual on the amenities we have to provide illegal aliens which includes: trans-gendered hormones, abortions, certain ethnic meal plans, and certain exercise equipment among other things to criminals mind you.

We have a President who we cannot disagree with, without being called a racist. Yet, for the last 8 years and still to this day people rag on George W. Bush and call him every indecent name known to man.

“Political Correctness” or as I like to call it “oppression of those you disagree with” is slowly crippling this nation by allowing things to slip through the cracks and seep in to our culture without being brought to light or debated between the people. The majority is scared to open their mouths and stand up for what they believe in because the vocal minority has them scared out of their mind of being labeled a racist or homophobe or neanderthal or bigot or sexist and on and on and on.

Rush Limbaugh is not the first person to have a slip of the tongue and he wont be the last. But, for the left to call for him to be off the air is rubbish. This has happened many times the other way around and I have never seen anyone on the right call for boycotts. Maybe some apologies were demanded but the suppression of free speech cannot and should not be infringed upon. You don’t like it then turn the channel, turn it off, or stand up and have the courage to debate why that person is wrong.

Ignoring topics and silencing people is a fast way to get real tyrannical if you know what I am saying. “Political Correctness” is and will be in large part the cause of the demise of America. The inability to speak the truth and have debate is the first step to an eternity of hell.

News You Need To Know

Attorney General, Eric Holder, plays the race card. Amidst the allegations of the “Fast and Furious” scandal and multiple lawsuits against specific states and not defending the law (Defense of Marriage Act), Eric Holder claims these are all bogus allegations and the reason this is all coming up is because certain people are out to get him because he is black. Are we not adults? This is the definition of childish. The fact that some people actually go along with this is mind-boggling. How can some one, or many people, come up to you and present you with all these facts and your response is “well you just don’t like me because of my race”. The only thing more troubling and ignorant than playing the race card to get yourself out of a jam –  which the Democrats have been playing for four decades – is conservatives and the media letting you get away with it. The only word I can think of to explain all of this is: disgraceful.

Glenn Beck takes apart Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ speech. Recently, Obama gave a speech in Kansas underlining his re-election strategy. He trashed capitalism and touted socialism as the path to prosperity and vowed to follow in the footsteps of his progressive heroes; Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. He said the free markets have never worked and we need to distance ourselves from the capitalist system and embrace the redistribution of wealth policies of socialism. It was a very uplifting and Presidential speech.

Media Pundits Meet with Obama at White House. I will cover this later in the week, but check out this quick post from Jake Tapper of ABC. Progressive media stars meet with Obama in the White House. Can anyone say Obama 2012 staff? Incredible. These are the people supposedly “watching out” for us.

Hugo Chavez calls Obama “Clown” and “Embarrassment”. Earlier this week Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, called out President Obama and told him to worry about the disaster he has created in the U.S. instead of worrying who Venezuela associates itself with. When you have a marxist dictator telling you off and calling you out, you know you aren’t doing something right. Somewhere in Los Angeles, Sean Penn is in a bind.

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