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Archive for the category “Reagan”

What Conservatives Can Learn From Liberals

Whether you agree or disagree with them you have to acknowledge there is one glaring problem that plagues too many in the GOP: NO BACKBONE.

We see progressive liberals and even progressive Republicans who say very pointed things and can be heavily ridiculed about them at times, rightly so. But, there is one difference; when progressives are questioned and ridiculed about their beliefs, they stick to said “beliefs”.

Conservative lawmakers, candidates, judges, etc., etc., etc., continue to say what they believe and get vilified and lambasted for it in the mainstream media. Todd Akin or Richard Mourdock ring a bell? These GOP members constantly articulate their beliefs (albeit poorly) only to back down a short time later when questioned about their comments. They are told that this is going to destroy them and alienate them from the Independents, so they cave.

Democrats NEVER have to “worry” about alienating anyone. More people consider themselves “conservative” than compared to ANY group in the country, and conservatives are the ones that have to worry about alienation? I think quite the opposite. I believe that if the Republicans in D.C. would grow a spine and stay principled and true to their beliefs that you would attract more people back to the party. Republicans have alienated many people NOT because of the views but because they have NO spine and many cannot trust in which way they are going to be “bending” that day. There is no platform to stand on anymore; are we against raising taxes or are we for them? Are we for the 2nd Amendment or are we against it?

The Democrats NEVER apologize for their beliefs. Republicans are always made to retreat and compromise their principles, values, and morals. Compromise is just a code word that everyone – especially conservatives – needs to move to the left. I think that the GOP would be smart in taking Ronald Reagan’s approach of listening and compromising as long as it does not go against our morals. But, in order to do that we must first define what those morals are.

This is a link to MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry backing her statements that your children are not solely yours, they belong to the collective. A great example of a progressive being ridiculed and not backing down, but, instead doubling down. Staying true to your convictions – no matter what they are – is something to be amdired. I can handle anyone who believes in what they say, admits it, and embraces it. Then we can begin to have a substantial and meaningful debate. Melissa Harris-Perry

Reagan Wednesdays

Ronald Reagan always knew how to charm a crowd and outwit his opponent – never more apparent than his Presidential debates in 1980 and 1984. But he was also very substantive in those debates, obviously, as it helped propel him to landslide victories and in to the hearts of conservatives, for what will be generations to come. He IS the “shining city on a hill” for conservatives and the ultimate beacon of leadership in modern America.

Here is a YouTube clip of Reagan taking it to President Carter in the 1980 Presidential debates. 1980 Reagan v. Carter 

See how many things you can recognize that our true again today. Carter and Obama are eerily similar – growing government and lowering morale of the American citizens. Many of the same arguments that Carter lays on Reagan are the exact same attacks being used again today by our current President, over 30 years later. Some tactics never change.

Reagan Wednesdays

Ronald Reagan’s moral courage has been widely recognized but this column provides two brilliant speeches given by former U.S. Senator Phil Gramm and historian Andrew Roberts, respectively, encapsulating the character of our 40th President. They are beautifully written and must reads for any Reagan enthusiast or person looking to learn the leadership necessary to lead our country. Hillsdale College Reagan Speeches

Reagan Wednesdays

Simi Valley, California is home to the beautiful Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. It is absolutely gorgeous and a must for any person traveling in or around Los Angeles. This week we have the link to the Library which you should find very interesting and informative.

Reagan Library

Reagan Wednesdays

Every Wednesday will be a day to remember former President Ronald Reagan. I will highlight a quote, or speech, or idea he had that was memorable and epitomized the American way of life. There is a reason he is quoted constantly by both parties nearly everyday. Hopefully, you will soon realize why.

Reagan Inaugural Address

Rush Limbaugh’s “35 Undeniable Truths Of Life”

I just came across this list – my father just told me about these – produced by Rush Limbaugh over two decades ago. It is truly amazing how accurate a majority of these items are to this day. The cold, hard truth, hurts sometimes. Occasionally, you need to cool down and come back without emotion and re-assess something to make an accurate decision. I urge you to read every single one of his “truths” – on the original and the updated list from 6 years later – and think about the reality of each one. How does each one apply and is it still relevant in today’s world?

I think you will be surprised.

Rush Limbaugh’s “35 Undeniable Truths of Life”

American Unity

9/12 is a day of unity. Ten years ago we were reeling from the attacks on 9/11, but, as a country, we all stood united. No government official had to get up and tell people to help their neighbors. FEMA didnt need to rush to NY, D.C., or PA.

People just helped. Plain and simple.

Ronald Reagan was a great uniter and communicator. He brought America together time and time again and always spoke directly to the citizens. The video below shows the role of the federal government and the accountability needed to be a citizen in this country and hold yourself, friends, family, and government; responsible.

Reagan Accountability and Limited Government Speech

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