Where The Puck Is Going

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Archive for the category “Elections”

The Kid Conundrum

I have had many Gen-Y’ers, millenials, young people question my involvement and passion in politics. A lot of young adults I know have told me that I need to stop worrying about it and just be a kid; pick up a beer, play some video games, go out to the bar, watch more Sportscenter, etc..

I have often thought about those people and what they have said, and why they think that way. Most believe that nothing will affect them in the sheltered world they live in at college or under their parents roof. It strikes me as a very odd way of thinking. Yes, as a kid there are many, many things that we do not have to worry about or take for granted; some of the perks of being a kid.

But, how do you tell someone who nearly everything they do is in some way is influenced by bureaucrats and elected officials (key word being elected, so it’s clearly our fault if we choose to act or not) in a far off distant place, with one succinct answer?

Although tough, I believe there are many ways to get across the importance of being informed. Unfortunately, our government has made it all to easy to come up with examples of why kids should be engaged in political discourse. If you aren’t affected by the government now you will be as you get older – I think this is the easiest and most obvious. I remember as young child asking my dad how young people ever became conservative after being indoctrinated with years of liberal bias all through out school? He replied, “don’t worry, Brandon, they all have to get older and start paying taxes”. But, even if you aren’t paying taxes yet you can bet your bottom dollar that your parents/family are affected by it everyday and that in turn affects you.

My brother is about to turn 16 years old at the end of this month and is already concerned about the price of gas. This is something all young folks – including adults – have to be weary of. A president – whom a vast majority of young kids voted in to office – has admittedly tried to bankrupt cheap energy and stop oil production (Keystone XL). Not only has that directly affected gas and energy prices but that increases the price of food as well. Something that kids and their families, again, must have in order to survive.

Kids traditionally love their sugary drinks, Michael Bloomberg has recently started putting restrictions on the size of your soft drink. I wonder how many kids know that? If I had a dollar for every time a saw a friend of mine or high school/college student with a soft drink in hand I would be personally funding Romney’s campaign. This is a case study in the over reaching of Big Government and something I know most young people can grasp the absurdity of.

These examples along with the severe effect that printing money and decreasing the value of the dollars in our hands all contribute to our decline. Whether you like it or not, the price of your beer and your soda and fast food are going to increase. These “political topics” affect you everyday whether you want to acknowledge it or not. That is why it is up to you to become informed and know who is representing you and what they believe. Many kids I know wont even begin to give politics the time of day and become the least bit informed because they say that hate the pointless arguing and bickering. Yet, they are the ones who will turn around and jump on the phone and argue with their family or significant other with ease.

It all comes down to informing yourself. Today around 50% of all college graduates are either unemployed or under employed. The two demographics that voted for Obama the most – kids and minorities – are the two groups hit the hardest by his policies. Sadly, a lot of them will stay uninformed and vote for him again.

If you aren’t informed you clearly aren’t going to like something because you have no idea whats going on. It’s like schoolwork: if you studied for the test you are going to welcome it. If you neglected to study you are going to be scared to death of it. These people on television arguing are the people who are determining the parameters of YOUR future. I suggest you take a certain interest in what is going on in the real world, and I don’t mean MTV’s ‘Real World’.

Does Anyone Care…?

Does anyone care that the Obama administration and attorney General Eric Holder let guns walk across the border to the drug cartels that were used to Kill U.S. border agents – all in the name of stirring up rage against guns and advancing their gun control agenda?

Does anyone care that Obama continually “bails out” his clean energy projects that are doomed to fail, usually headed by investors who are large Democrat campaign donors?

Does anyone care that Google, among other companies, are tracking your moves on the internet?

Does anyone care that Sharia law is seeping in to America?

Does anyone care that Israel, our biggest ally, is facing a second Holocaust by way of nuclear destruction?

Does anyone care that we are years behind our enemies (Russia, Iran, China) in developing our own oil capabilities?

Does anyone care that the Chinese have developed their military almost entirely based on stolen technology from the United States?

Does anyone care that real unemployment rate is 11%?

Does anyone care that our debt is almost $15.5 trillion?

Does anyone care that our debt per taxpayer – mind you this isn’t per citizen because half the country does not pay taxes – is $136,700?

Does anyone care that there have been 5 beheadings inside the U.S. by Mexican drug cartels in the past 6 months?

Does anyone care that the U.S. government now has the authority to assassinate its own citizens when it deems necessary?

Does anyone care that shootings inside Military installations in the United States are considered “workplace violence”?

Does anyone care that government bureaucrats are telling us: parents don’t know what is best for their own children when it comes to education?

Does anyone care that the Turkish PM Recep Erdogan – who is viciously anti-Israel – is Barack Obama’s ‘go-to guy’ when it comes to middle east policy?

Does anyone care that Europe has tried every socialist policy we are now trying and they are now on the verge of collapse because of it?

Does anyone care that Europe or the Middle East are on fire?

Does anyone care that there are media outlets who coordinate stories with the White House?

Does anyone care that the government tells their children what to eat?

Does anyone care that taxpayer money helps fund abortions?

Does anyone care that 46 million Americans receiving some kind of government aid?

Does anyone care that 41% of children are born out-of-wedlock?

Does anyone care that nearly 3 out of 4 black children are born out-of-wedlock?

Does anyone care that the divorce rate is estimated at over 40%?

Does anyone care that people who are illegal, dead, double-registered, etc., can vote for the leaders of our country?

Does anyone care that the Obama administration is trying to take more money from some and hand it out to those they deem worthy?

Does anyone care that the President of the United States grew up through the teachings of radical, Saul Alinsky; started his career in domestic terrorist Bill Ayers’ basement; went to Black Liberation theologist Reverend Wright’s church for 20 years?

Does anyone care that most of you probably never knew that because most media covered it up in ’08?

Does anyone care that our country resembles the Communist Manifesto more than the Constitution or Declaration of Independence?

Does anyone care that approximately 50% of the country doesn’t pay federal income taxes?

Does anyone care that our president has czars, which are unconstitutional?

Does anyone care that the government is trying to force its morals upon you and infringing on your first amendment rights?

Does ANYONE care?

News You Need To Know

Attorney General, Eric Holder, plays the race card. Amidst the allegations of the “Fast and Furious” scandal and multiple lawsuits against specific states and not defending the law (Defense of Marriage Act), Eric Holder claims these are all bogus allegations and the reason this is all coming up is because certain people are out to get him because he is black. Are we not adults? This is the definition of childish. The fact that some people actually go along with this is mind-boggling. How can some one, or many people, come up to you and present you with all these facts and your response is “well you just don’t like me because of my race”. The only thing more troubling and ignorant than playing the race card to get yourself out of a jam –  which the Democrats have been playing for four decades – is conservatives and the media letting you get away with it. The only word I can think of to explain all of this is: disgraceful.

Glenn Beck takes apart Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ speech. Recently, Obama gave a speech in Kansas underlining his re-election strategy. He trashed capitalism and touted socialism as the path to prosperity and vowed to follow in the footsteps of his progressive heroes; Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. He said the free markets have never worked and we need to distance ourselves from the capitalist system and embrace the redistribution of wealth policies of socialism. It was a very uplifting and Presidential speech.

Media Pundits Meet with Obama at White House. I will cover this later in the week, but check out this quick post from Jake Tapper of ABC. Progressive media stars meet with Obama in the White House. Can anyone say Obama 2012 staff? Incredible. These are the people supposedly “watching out” for us.

Hugo Chavez calls Obama “Clown” and “Embarrassment”. Earlier this week Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, called out President Obama and told him to worry about the disaster he has created in the U.S. instead of worrying who Venezuela associates itself with. When you have a marxist dictator telling you off and calling you out, you know you aren’t doing something right. Somewhere in Los Angeles, Sean Penn is in a bind.

News You Need To Know

Karl Rove: “GOP faces most vicious election battle ever” ~ Rove writes a piece on Newsmax.com about the Obama campaign strategy. It is right in line with the blog I wrote “Obama 2012: Divided We Stand”. He lays out the vicious campaign they are going to wage and the class warfare they have already broken out. He documents the President’s lack of leadership and full-time campaigning.

Ann Coulter: “Once you go conservative black, you better watch your back” ~Coulter brings the facts to light regarding the allegations that have mysteriously popped up around GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain. She breaks down the allegations and even manages to drag in a few Bill Clinton references (where there was actual evidence).

Michelle Malkin: “Obama’s cloud-based transparency” ~ Malkin exposes another one of Obama’s broken campaign promises: transparency. From Solyndra to “Operation Fast And Furious”, she astutely details his failings and his “behind-closed-doors” dealings all while his cronies claim “the most transparent administration in U.S. history”.

Obama 2012: Divided We Stand

Obama’s re-election plan goes against everything he ran for in 2008. He claimed that this would be a new, transparent administration and he would be a uniting force.

He has been everything but.

He has pitted unions vs non-unions, public sector vs. private sector, gays vs straights, believers vs. non-believers, citizens vs. immigrants, and everything in between.

And while there is nothing wrong with this legally or Constitutionally, it just goes against everything he ran on and an assault of the ‘American Dream’. An unbelievable move by a Presidential administration in the United States.

Bill Clinton ran his 1992 Presidential campaign on the platform of, “we don’t have to read George Bush’s lips anymore, we can read his record.”

This is exactly the same playbook the Republicans should use. Using the incumbent’s own broken campaign promise against him.

The most recent and longest lasting examples of this – we wont even get in to the handful of crony investments/bailouts he has approved – is the ‘Occupy’ protests that he has done anything but distance himself from. The government is there to protect us from mobs, not prolong them.

Obama has no foundation of results to run on – at least positive ones. All he has is a tried and tested Democrat technique called: class warfare. If he can get the poor and middle class citizens mad at the wealthy, then he wins.

By deceiving voters into voting on emotion and influencing them to forget facts and rational thinking; Democrats win, all the time, every time.

News You Need To Know (10/7/11)

This is possibly one of the scariest videos I have ever seen: U.S. Politicians Calling For Socialism 

NFL Player Called To Serve 

Obama Marching With Radical “New Black Panthers” 

Herman Cain Up Big in Certain Polls 

See how the 53% of people in the country paying income taxes are reacting to the “occupy” protests: I am the 53

Newt Gingrich’s Reasons To Save The Republic

We’re revisiting Newt Gingrich’s ’21st Century Contract With America’ because it is that important to the future of our country. He wrote a piece on Fox News website last week underlining the importance of the ideas in his contract and why our country will fail without them.

This is a culture war; you can see the Wall Street protesters with hippie college kids, and the likes of Michael Moore, and Russell Simmons. They are championing communism and socialism, and openly admit it; look up videos I have previously posted.

Newt’s contract is the recipe for any President coming in to office. It should be what we, as citizens, look to for guidance as well, among other things.

If we do not assume our responsibilities as U.S. citizens and uphold the Constitution our Republic will be lost, simply put.

Newt Gingrich Reasons To Save Our Country

Elizabeth Warren: “The Rich Didn’t Get Rich On Their Own”

Elizabeth Warren is the special advisor for the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau running for senate against Scott Brown in Massachusetts in next year’s election. She was also the first chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, appointed by Harry Reid. She is the one who approved TARP, so you can see she has a good track record.

Here she is saying that nobody got rich on their own. She claims that rich people use the roads, school systems, and police that everyone pays for (oh wait except for half of the country who don’t pay income taxes). Elizabeth Warren

So my question to her is; “How the hell did anyone become rich before this country had roads, or a police force, or school systems?”

Socialists will come right out and let you know who they are. You just have to be adept and alert enough to peg them. Their arguments are petty; based on emotion, greed, and jealousy of people who work hard. It drags the country down by letting those with less believe that success comes from the government instead of their own hard work.

What does this teach a person? It’s like going to the store with your child and buying them every single thing they ask for. They never learn the incentive of hard work to achieve success. They expect success to be given to them.

For some reason – well I know how its become this way, but that’s for a different time – this country has developed this, entitlement disease. People expect that since we are a prosperous nation that every single person in the country deserves health care, a good job, benefits, a pay raise every couple of years, a good home, good food, etc.. Somebody please tell me where in the Constitution you are guaranteed those rights?

You are secured the right to life and liberty by our creator; other than that you are on your own – in other words, it is up to you to keep it. It is up to you to become skilled, educated, efficient, and prosperous. If you want to be lazy and a bum, then go ahead, its your choice. That’s the great thing about America; you have the freedom to choose.

The BEST evidence of this is our ancestors; they came over here for that opportunity and freedom. They left their homelands behind because of oppressive, handout, entitlement governments. This is why our country is the greatest on Earth and a beacon of hope for every person on this planet.

Ben Franklin was asked by someone right after the signing of the Constitution about what kind of government we were given. He replied, “…a Republic, if you can keep it.”

We have become those very people who our ancestors struggled and many risked their lives to escape. We are not keeping our end of the bargain.

Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism

My first post in to this new foray and I have an article by Shelby Steele that I found the other day, which I believe sets the table for the coming Presidential election and more importantly; the future of our great country. He provides a clear, concise path in to the mind of Barack Obama. I deeply believe that, not only is this the mindset and beliefs of our President, but the belief of many of his supporters.

Unfortunately, many of his followers themselves are the ones most hurt by this mindset. The lack of desire to teach oneself about our history, the profound incompetence of the Department of Education (which, I will certainly discuss in the future); has enabled Americans across this country to blindly follow politicians in to vacuums of darkness and dependency on government instead of themselves.

This is what we as Americans and good patriots of this country must “change”, as Obama would claim. Self-reliance, accountability, and responsibility are some of our greatest qualities as humans. We have lost these things and in the process; lost our way.

My hope is to shed bright lights on many of these areas and the people who help or hinder these causes. Steele provides a great piece to kick off this forum; urging us to really understand where many of our leaders are coming from and where they’re leading us to.

Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism

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