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Archive for the category “Military”

U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s Day

Three incredibly different and amazing stories all from some of America’s finest warriors. Take note. These are not your average headlines. Be prepared. Be humorous. Be informed.


Gun Permits

College Star to BUD/s

Power Grid

Military Mondays

December 7, 1941 – a day which WILL live in infamy – was the first major publicized attack on the United States in the homeland. The first real attack that wasn’t very publicized was a spy attack by the Germans in WWI. 70 years ago the attack by the Imperial Navy made it seem inevitable that the U.S. would enter WWII. Ultimately, we entered and defeated the Japanese and Hitler’s Nazis in possibly one of the most important wars in the history of the world.

Craig Shirley revisits the attack on Pearl Harbor and the events that led up to and after December 7. A great book to look back and recount the feelings of Americans at that time and how we ultimately entered WWII. December 1941 by Craig Shirley

Military Mondays

Possible cuts to our nation’s top air superiority fighter are looming if the politicians in Washington have their way. And they are half way there – with the expected automatic cuts stemming from the inaction of the “super-committee”, resulting from the “minor league” deal that we got during the budget showdown this summer. Had the republicans never given in and stayed strong on their principles our nations defense may not be on the chopping block. F-22 Budget Cuts?

Since the operation that took out bin Laden there has been much fuss over who carried out the mission. As a result the SEALs have received much unwanted but very deserved attention. The most recent being a set of romance novels and SEALs as the centerpiece. Should be interesting…Steamy SEALs Novels

Military Mondays

Recently, in celebration of all of our Veterans, my team was able to honor them at our most recent home games and with a special visit to Alaska’s largest military installation: Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

We had the chance to meet a number of soldiers and airmen as we played a friendly – but at times, heated – game of broomball.

At anytime of the day in Anchorage you can look in to the sky and almost always spot some type of plane filling the airspace. Half of that time it is a Coast Guard, Military cargo transport, or a beautiful F-22 Raptor. Meeting some of these pilots and thanking them for their service and handing out free tickets to some of our upcoming games was amazing.

In the near future, a few of us on the team are looking forward to possibly visiting the K-9 bomb sniffing unit after meeting a man who works with the dogs.

I would like to thank all veterans for their service. May you never be forgotten.

A picture from the game and link to JBER’s website

News You Need To Know (10/7/11)

This is possibly one of the scariest videos I have ever seen: U.S. Politicians Calling For Socialism 

NFL Player Called To Serve 

Obama Marching With Radical “New Black Panthers” 

Herman Cain Up Big in Certain Polls 

See how the 53% of people in the country paying income taxes are reacting to the “occupy” protests: I am the 53

News You Need To Know (9/19/11)

Here are a few news snippets from the last day or so that you need to know:

“Urination” Speech – From a Progressive rally; encouraging supporters to not pour beer on Republicans, but urine instead. And I thought that Tea Partiers were the violent, racist, hateful folk. Again, another hypocritical example from the left.

Ten Wealthiest States – A look at some of the wealthiest and poorest states in the Union.

California Bible Ban – California state government comes down on couple holding bible studys. When you hear politicians talk about “separation of church and state”, this is exactly what the Founding Fathers meant. Government is not supposed to be banning things like “Merry Christmas” or nativity scenes. Government cannot come in to your life and tell you what you can and cannot practice. On a side note, this story also brings to light the millions of stupid rules and regulations the governments create.

Buffet Rule? – Warren Buffet is the face of Obama’s new tax hikes plan from his new jobs bill. Buffet has talked about how he pays more taxes than his secretary which is an outright lie. Buffet is a smart man and he is comparing the capital gains tax rate – which he pays – which is around 15% to his secretaries income tax rate ,which is around 33% we’ll say. The numbers aren’t important in this story. The principle of it is; Buffet is comparing apples to oranges and deceiving the public. These are two different taxes that these men are talking about and they both know it, but will not tell you that. Their agendas are more important than the economic success of this country. One can only speculate as to what Warren Buffet and Barack Obama’s agendas are. He and Obama alike, know full well that what they are claiming is dishonest and the American people deserve the truth. The Democrats will play this class-warfare tactic until the sun explodes. The only two political tactics they have: class-warfare and manafacturing facts (ie. Fast and Furious Scandal).

Palestinian Statehood – Palestinian leader vows to keep up the fight; putting America in a bind.

Cobra Crash – Another crash sadly happened earlier today. Pray for the loved ones who have died over the last four days including this latest incident.

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