Where The Puck Is Going

Two steps ahead

Archive for the category “Terrorism”

End Days Near? Or Will We Stand Up To Evil?

Dear Lord, what have we done? I don’t know anymore what to say about the news. It is all of my worst nightmares and warnings. The collapse of Libya, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, the Caliphate, Jews being targeted in Europe, the rise of fascism and the Nazi Party. Now the targeting of the west by the caliphate in the heart of Europe. All of this I spoke of. All of this could have been avoided if we weren’t so arrogant. Me included. If we would have all stopped playing politics. Me included. If I would have been a better messenger. I have made so many mistakes. Please forgive me. I beg of you to hear the warnings of what is yet to come. There is so much more yet to come. These are the birth pangs of things yet to come, these are the beginnings of sorrows. I cannot give you any solutions. I have no worldly answers. We must humble ourselves and turn our face to God. I spent a few minutes listening to Winston Churchhill speeches today. Most wanted to appease in late 1940 just as they do now. No one wanted to call Hitler evil. It is normal. No one wants war. No one wants slaughter. We all want to believe that if we all just talked we could find a path for all to journey together. Evil is hard to comprehend. But we must try and call it out by name. There are times when a civilized world must stand for what is right. Now is one of those times. Evil does exist. It has a name and it is ISIS and radical Islam. We face a times when more than our wants and needs are at stake, but the very future of civilized mankind. Our children and grandchildren will thank us or curse us based upon who we choose to be right now. We are fortunate to live at this time for we are given the opportunity that only comes times of great strife, struggle and sacrifice. We have a chance to find out who we really are. I know we are more than what we have allowed ourselves to become. We are more than what our politicians tell us we are. We are a great, kind and generous people. We are not conquerers. We are not a nation of warriors. We are a charitable and Godly people, that when called upon, we hesitate. We wait, debate and at first deny. But when push comes to shove we find something uniquely American calling us and stirring our souls into action. Will we choose to rise up and be greater men and women than we have allowed ourselves to become this time? Or will we continue to eat, drink and be merry? Will we continue to believe the lie we all want to be true? That this too shall pass! It isn’t any of our business! We can ignore the beheadings, spend our way out of debt, deny God and His most basic principles and continue to be blind to what our culture has become. We can continue down that path and everyday the price we must pay will only grow higher. These are extraordinary times. Extraordinary events are on the horizon and moving toward us with great rapidity. But the good news is: WE ARE EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE! Let us all choose to stand shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm ready to bear the burden and pay for our mistakes. Let us free ourselves from the shallowness of our commercialism, apathy, pessimism and petty divisions. Let us be willing to live and die to free our brothers and sisters of all nationalities and religions from the terror of the beasts that have grown in the shadows of ignorance and hate. Let us once again remember the teachings of Christ, Gandhi, and King, that the greatest weapon we can wield is Love. Let us find it once again in ourselves and then in one another as we prepare for the events of the coming days.

– Glenn Beck

The Boston Marathon Bombings

What happened this week was horrific and we continue to pray for those who are struggling physically and emotionally.

It is a sad fact of life that these events will continue to happen no matter what we may try to do. No matter how many freedoms we give away to the government, these instances will continue to occur. Didn’t George W. Bush sign in to law The Patriot Act? I mean these guys were using cell phones, where was the CIA and FBI (government) on this one?

No matter what ideology you have, the government is NEVER the answer. The Patriot Act was a loss of rights just as Obama is doing with drones and the potential for use on American citizens is.

Ben Franklin once quipped, “Those who are willing to trade their freedoms away for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”

When you shrug off your own responsibility and accountability and leave it to someone else you will always get burned. YOU are the only person that can look out for you and your family’s best interest.

We cannot all live in big plastic bubbles – although it may come to that some day – because someone will inevitably find a way to come around with a big old tack and pop that precious womb-like bubble.

Depending on far away bureaucrats and governments to protect yourself is no way to live.

God did not intend for every single event in human history to be peachy and wonderful. He was gracious enough to give us thinking brains – unlike the rest of the animal kingdom. The sooner we accept that life is full of hardships and that calling a terrorist a terrorist is ok, the sooner we will be able to protect ourselves.

The media is more worried about not “offending” people and who can “break the first story” than they are about providing you real factual information. I am sorry, but I don’t think there are many people who hoped that these terrorists – because that’s exactly what they are – are Americans. I think that most people would like to believe that our own naturalized citizens are not the ones carrying out large-scale terrorist attacks.

I think it is time for many people to grow up, especially those in the media. We are all adults and we demand to be treated as such. If the person is American then tell us he is American. If he looks like a muslim, then explain the way he looks. If he looks to be Ronald McDonald, then let us know. It’s time to start acting like grown ups so we can get to the bottom of problems.

I am sick of hearing about people’s “feelings” getting hurt because of facts being reported. How about Richard Martin’s family’s feelings? How do you think all of those people who lost limbs and their families are feeling right now?

Lets start worrying about the feelings that matter.

With freedom comes responsibility. You cannot have one without the other.

This Really Happens In America

I find it mind boggling that an American University – that wouldn’t even support its own military for four decades – will consistently lend invitatons to extremist dictators/movements. But, I guess I shouldn’t, when they invited Hans Luther, a chief Hitler advisor, to come speak at the school in 1933.

In Columbia University’s lastest move; they have decided to invite Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to meet, and have lunch with a handful of students. For the second time.

Side note: It’s interesting that liberal people who claim to be so open minded and free thinking; are fine with sitting down with a man whose homosexual citizens are stoned to death. Thats just the first thing that comes to mind.

The links below share a couple of the articles giving more background on this issue.

Columbia Invites Nazis To Speak – 1933

NY Times Article On Columbia ROTC Banning

Ahmadinejad To Meet With Columbia Students

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