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Archive for the category “Military Mondays”

Military Mondays

December 7, 1941 – a day which WILL live in infamy – was the first major publicized attack on the United States in the homeland. The first real attack that wasn’t very publicized was a spy attack by the Germans in WWI. 70 years ago the attack by the Imperial Navy made it seem inevitable that the U.S. would enter WWII. Ultimately, we entered and defeated the Japanese and Hitler’s Nazis in possibly one of the most important wars in the history of the world.

Craig Shirley revisits the attack on Pearl Harbor and the events that led up to and after December 7. A great book to look back and recount the feelings of Americans at that time and how we ultimately entered WWII. December 1941 by Craig Shirley

Military Mondays

Possible cuts to our nation’s top air superiority fighter are looming if the politicians in Washington have their way. And they are half way there – with the expected automatic cuts stemming from the inaction of the “super-committee”, resulting from the “minor league” deal that we got during the budget showdown this summer. Had the republicans never given in and stayed strong on their principles our nations defense may not be on the chopping block. F-22 Budget Cuts?

Since the operation that took out bin Laden there has been much fuss over who carried out the mission. As a result the SEALs have received much unwanted but very deserved attention. The most recent being a set of romance novels and SEALs as the centerpiece. Should be interesting…Steamy SEALs Novels

Military Mondays

Recently, in celebration of all of our Veterans, my team was able to honor them at our most recent home games and with a special visit to Alaska’s largest military installation: Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

We had the chance to meet a number of soldiers and airmen as we played a friendly – but at times, heated – game of broomball.

At anytime of the day in Anchorage you can look in to the sky and almost always spot some type of plane filling the airspace. Half of that time it is a Coast Guard, Military cargo transport, or a beautiful F-22 Raptor. Meeting some of these pilots and thanking them for their service and handing out free tickets to some of our upcoming games was amazing.

In the near future, a few of us on the team are looking forward to possibly visiting the K-9 bomb sniffing unit after meeting a man who works with the dogs.

I would like to thank all veterans for their service. May you never be forgotten.

A picture from the game and link to JBER’s website

Military Mondays

There have been some disparaging remarks made lately about Service members and their families by some of the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters. These protesters are unfortunately, extremely misguided. Most want to collapse the system and end capitalism, they want the heads of all the big bankers.

This of course, is insane.

The congressman they voted in – Chris Dodd and Barney Frank – are the people who forced the banks to shell out unsustainable loans. The “greed” these protesters talk about lies within the congressional ranks. And it is a greed for power and votes, not money, that many are convinced of.

Military and “Occupy Wall Street”

Military Mondays

The Burgeoning Chinese Military 

The Chinese military may be one of the biggest future threats the United States – and the world – may encounter in the near future. Looming economic crises will remain but this outside threat along with a select few other countries (Iran and North Korea) are boasting new military and nuclear powers. All are trying to catch up to the strength displayed by the U.S.. Some may not be that far off, as nearly every day it seems there are reports coming from Asia about something the Chinese are doing militarily or nuclear or for space.

This report comes from the Japanese, who have experienced increased threats to their airspace by the Chinese over the last few months. This is something that the U.S. absolutely must be aware of. The Chinese are a current threat economically and future threat militarily.

Military Mondays

The Apache Longbow is a force on the battlefield and has the ability to change wars, well if the enemy has tanks and light armor. This is a clip from FutureWeapons, although the Longbow is already in use.

This is a well put together video to give you insight on some our incredible air superiority.

AH-64D Apache Longbow

Military Mondays: Invisible Tanks?

I have had a few days off because of a move back up to Anchorage, Alaska for hockey. Now Im getting settled in and ready to keep giving you that info you wont see in the regular mainstream media. Ill make up for time lost this week by starting with the Military Mondays segment about some amazing new cloaking technology that could be in military use soon. Enjoy!


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