Where The Puck Is Going

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Archive for the category “9/11”

American Unity

9/12 is a day of unity. Ten years ago we were reeling from the attacks on 9/11, but, as a country, we all stood united. No government official had to get up and tell people to help their neighbors. FEMA didnt need to rush to NY, D.C., or PA.

People just helped. Plain and simple.

Ronald Reagan was a great uniter and communicator. He brought America together time and time again and always spoke directly to the citizens. The video below shows the role of the federal government and the accountability needed to be a citizen in this country and hold yourself, friends, family, and government; responsible.

Reagan Accountability and Limited Government Speech

Krugman Rears His Ugly Head, Again

I wasnt going to write anything this weekend out of respect for all of those men and women who lost their life 10 years ago, today. But, I changed my mind as soon as I read a despicable piece of journalism by op-ed writer Paul Krugman in the New York Times this morning, right around the same time the WTC was struck by passenger planes.

Now, I feel that you should read his article, which is only a few paragraphs long, because it reperensts the real threat of extremism we face in our own country. I will not link it because I feel it isnt merited.

It is titled The Years of Shame and it is located in the New York Times.

People such as Krugman have a distorted view of America. They seriously believe that America is the problem and that she has brought all of her problems on to herself, such as 9/11. He is very much in the minority, but when you read him you get the feeling that he knows you are psycho and alone in your belief that America is the “Shining city on a hill”, as Reagan so aptly stated.

Nothing could make this more evident than the very end of his editorial. The last  paragraph states that he will not leave a comments section for “obvious reasons”.

What are these obvious reasons?

He believes that everyone knows this to be truth or is this his creepy way of honoring those lost on this tragic day?

Ill leave that for you to decide.

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