Where The Puck Is Going

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Archive for the tag “Rush Limbaugh”

Political Correctness Is Destroying America

The recent Rush Limbaugh backlash over his characterization of Georgetown co-ed, Sandra Fluke, has been severe and it has been relentless. Though his apology was necessary – because as he said, “you cannot stoop down to the left’s level and in this case I did just that” – his comments were none the less, true: PAY+SEX=PROSTITUTION.

This whole stir, created by the left, has worked perfectly. They have advertisers pulling sponsorships and people in a fit of rage about a comment a talk radio show host used in describing a woman’s implied actions. The left has successfully diverted attention about the horrendous economy Obama has incurred, the out of control deficit spending, the war or religious freedoms, or the courageous and loving stories of the folks in the Midwest who have banded together – regardless of ideology and beliefs – to help their neighbors and loved ones ravaged by the deadly tornadoes late last week (with no government help in site might I add. A FEMA assessment team is expected to arrive in one of the hardest hit cities, Henryville, Indiana tomorrow after nearly four days. FOUR DAYS LATER!!).

This is really a shining example of the people banding together in local communities, churches, family, and friends instead of sitting back and waiting for government to come help. This illustrates how the left wants America to run, dependent on government; tragedy strikes and help comes days or weeks later when the government decides it can. Whereas the conservatives – and I believe most Americans feel like the people in the Midwest do right now – feel we can get off our butts and drive to neighboring cities and help our brothers and sisters with whatever they may need. No government help needed here! President Grover Cleveland may have been the best in this regard stating, “…the people support the government but the government should not support the people”. This was in regard to an epic drought in Texas because he knew that if he started this it would foster dependency.

We have a new and updated manual on the amenities we have to provide illegal aliens which includes: trans-gendered hormones, abortions, certain ethnic meal plans, and certain exercise equipment among other things to criminals mind you.

We have a President who we cannot disagree with, without being called a racist. Yet, for the last 8 years and still to this day people rag on George W. Bush and call him every indecent name known to man.

“Political Correctness” or as I like to call it “oppression of those you disagree with” is slowly crippling this nation by allowing things to slip through the cracks and seep in to our culture without being brought to light or debated between the people. The majority is scared to open their mouths and stand up for what they believe in because the vocal minority has them scared out of their mind of being labeled a racist or homophobe or neanderthal or bigot or sexist and on and on and on.

Rush Limbaugh is not the first person to have a slip of the tongue and he wont be the last. But, for the left to call for him to be off the air is rubbish. This has happened many times the other way around and I have never seen anyone on the right call for boycotts. Maybe some apologies were demanded but the suppression of free speech cannot and should not be infringed upon. You don’t like it then turn the channel, turn it off, or stand up and have the courage to debate why that person is wrong.

Ignoring topics and silencing people is a fast way to get real tyrannical if you know what I am saying. “Political Correctness” is and will be in large part the cause of the demise of America. The inability to speak the truth and have debate is the first step to an eternity of hell.

Rush Limbaugh’s “35 Undeniable Truths Of Life”

I just came across this list – my father just told me about these – produced by Rush Limbaugh over two decades ago. It is truly amazing how accurate a majority of these items are to this day. The cold, hard truth, hurts sometimes. Occasionally, you need to cool down and come back without emotion and re-assess something to make an accurate decision. I urge you to read every single one of his “truths” – on the original and the updated list from 6 years later – and think about the reality of each one. How does each one apply and is it still relevant in today’s world?

I think you will be surprised.

Rush Limbaugh’s “35 Undeniable Truths of Life”

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